The best answer to 'what is the best condom?' is very simply, the one that fits you the best!
If a condom is said to be 98% effective in preventing pregnancy and in protecting against STD's and STI's, it may be true ONLY if it is used properly!

-If the condom is too big, it will slip off.
-If the condom does not roll all the way down, you are not fully protected, and your partner isn't either.
-HIV is real.
-Herpes is real.
-Unwanted and teen pregnancies are real.
Protect yourself. Educate yourself. Let Wow Condoms help you find the Best Condoms for you and your partner!
Wow Condoms lists the dimensions of every condom they sell so you will know before purchasing if it will fit. We can also help you with other questions you may have about condoms such as; which condoms are safe with lubricants, which condoms are latex free, which condoms are made for pleasure, and so on.
While at Wow Condoms, be sure to check out our Condom Helper videos and questions!
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