Saturday, September 10, 2011

Condom Storage

There have been many questions out there about how condoms should be stored and what causes condoms to be damaged or compromised. Let us begin by saying that common sense is your best reliance on what can bring damage to your condom. Here the adage applies, "when in doubt, throw it out"!

Condoms should be stored in a moderate temperature in a dry place. Storing them flat, whether verticle or horizontal, is recommended along with some kind of case such as a condom case or condom tin.

The latex in condoms can be broken down by drastic temperature changes as well as outside environmental stresses. Condoms should not be exposed to over 100*F or below 32*F. I would say that they should not be exposed to over 90* or 42*F for extended periods of time. Also, do not expose them to drastic changes consistently ie. if your condom is in your pocket on your sun porch for several days in extreme cold and you bring it in to a warm environment for several weeks. Consistency is the key. Environmental stresses such as going through a washing machine or being in your pocket for several days are not ideal for condoms. You may think that because it is latex that it will be fine, but latex does break down. The less a condom is handled, moved, or changed, the better.

Condoms have an expiration date. Make sure that you use them before the expiration. This is very important for the reason of latex breakdown. Make sure your condom is at its utmost effectiveness and performance.

Never use a condom if the package is damaged, is sticky, brittle, discolored, or has a strong odor. If you follow these guidelines and store your condoms responsibly, they will continue to perform as they should when used properly. Remember, common sense is your greatest guide when it comes to condoms and how they should be stored and handled..